Friday, December 18, 2015

CBI raided my office to investigate odd even number plates says Kejriwal

New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was furious about CBI’s (Car Bureau of Investigation) raid which took place at his office early morning. Speaking to our reporter, Arvind said, “Modi couldn’t handle me politically nor intellectually, I am an IIT ian and he is mere a M.A passed out. My idea of odd even numbers plates was unique and best appreciated by all commuters including environmental agencies. I was the first CM of Delhi to initiate a car free day”.

Arvind Kejriwal safe-guarding his Wagon-R in order to save from CBI

Arvind Kejriwal safe-guarding his Wagon-R in order to save from CBI

He further added, “In a historic victory in Indian politics, AAP won 67 out of 70 seats in the Delhi assembly elections. It was my brain child and from here I got the idea to implement the formula with odd number 67 and even number 70.

Modi was envy of my victory in Delhi and so as usual, I have to face these consequences which is highly disrespectful. My office garage are being looked into. Did CBI find any odd or even number plates for which they came here? Sab mile hue hain, I strongly condemn this act and have called for a dharna on odd date 25th and Dec month which happens to be even at Jantar Mantar”.

Meanwhile, CBI (Car Bureau of Investigation) chief clarified that the raid was not to find any odd even number plates but to discontinue the Delhi CM Arvind from commuting in his blue Wagon R. There were complaints made to CBI that Arvind’s car number plate ends with erotic number ‘69’ and was the main reason for Delhi’s rising population. After preliminary investigation, CBI found prima facie evidence and has confiscated the Blue Wagon R.

While many AAP supporters have gone viral on twitter with #ModiIntolerant and #GiveMeBLUE ,stating this is undemocratic act.

Agitated by this, Arvind also tweeted, he has decided to take a step further and implement the odd even rules for the registration numbers of airplanes and choppers flying above Delhi sky including PM’s Air India One.

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