Thursday, December 17, 2015

Modi develops land sickness due to prolonged stay outside an aircraft, doctor advises foreign trip ASAP

New Delhi: While political atmosphere in Delhi is as heated up as it can be, Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi is grappling with a severe case of land-sickness.

PM Modi's expression looks similar to an astronaut who just landed on Mars

PM Modi’s expression looks similar to an astronaut who just landed on Mars

Mr. Modi has been diagnosed with having withdrawal symptoms which occur in frequent fliers who get so habitual to an airplane environment that they feel lethargic and sad when on land.

Medical expert in several disciplines Dr. Paresh Trehan commented on this diagnosis and said, “Patients of land-sickness feel they have too much space around them because they are habitual to a close space with a chair and limited leg space. They want food to be served in a big tray with small cutlery from which you can barely eat properly. They want toilets which are so small that one just enters and hits the wall in front of him/her. They want to hear frequent announcements on how much feet above sea level they are.”

When asked about remedies from this sickness Dr. Trehan made a very serious face. He said, “It’s tough be totally cured of this disease, in fact it may become severe if not treated well. Patients may demand their bed or chair be shaken violently to mimic in air turbulence. They may want to buy swiss army knife, half cooked sandwiches and a screwed up variant of samosa as part of in-flight shopping. These are severe symptoms and only way out is more and more travel. Hence in such cases I advice more travel to PM Modi before his symptoms get serious. If nothing else go to Dubai for some shopping or Paris for some Fondue.”

While doctors are recommending frequent travel to PM Modi, as per sources his calendar is empty for a few weeks because invites from foreign countries has almost dried up owing to his blitzkrieg of trips since he took oath for PM office.

A govt. source told on conditions of anonymity, “Previous PM’s used to take 4 years to finish up the number of countries which Modi ji finished in four months of his tenure. Naturally there are limited numbers of countries which can afford to host a head of state with proper royal honor and our future visit pipeline is pretty bleak. We are now exploring African countries such as Ivory-Coast, Ghana and Nigeria.”

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