Thursday, December 3, 2015

Inspired by Mark Zuckerberg, Indian Neta pledges 99% of public money to his private fund after birth of his son

Inspired by Mark Zuckerberg’s letter to his newborn daughter where he pledged 99% of Facebook shares to charity, an Indian neta has pledged 99% of public money to his private fund to celebrate birth of his son.

Mark Zuckerberg's letter inspiring Indian neta's

Mark Zuckerberg’s letter inspiring Indian neta’s

Mark Yadav Singh, a leader of a major political party in India, got emotional and wrote a letter to his new born son and expressed his feelings through this written message.

Mr. Yadav was kind enough to let us have a glimpse of the letter, excerpt of which has been reproduced here proving reports that it was indeed inspired by Facebook chief’s letter.


Like all parents we want you to grow in world that is better than what we have today. While headlines focus on ending corruption, solving scams, bringing back black money and so on, all is not lost in the world of politics.

As a proud and loving father who cares about your future, I have opened a swiss bank account in your name. And please don’t be bothered by the ‘we will bring back black money’ rhetoric. In my entire political career, I have not seen any Govt. stick to its promise.

The political class has NO obligation to share their ‘funds’ and improve the lives of those coming into this world.

Our society must do this not for justice or charity, but for the greatness of political progress.

People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today.

You probably even need not ask for bribe. Technology has made enough progress that you can just say ‘payTM karo’ and it will be done.

Many of the greatest opportunities for your generation will come from giving everyone access to corruption.

Our hopes for your generation focus on two ideas: advancing corruption potential and promoting VVIP racism

Advancing corruption potential is about pushing the boundaries of how corrupt a politician can be.

Can you embezzle 100 times more than we do?

Can you come up with creative ways to stash black money abroad?

Today we have robbed so much that the country has to offer, can we do it in future?

Some news anchors will accuse us of VVIP racism . Let me assure you that there is nothing like VVIP racism. VVIP racism is just a fancy word coined by the media. Don’t get intimidated by them. Even your toy cars have a red beacon. You have the right above all others to access all good that exists in this world.

Me and others in the fraternity are doing everything possible to provide this access to the coming generation. We may belong to different political parties, but our motive is the same. We are bound by the same love for money that we wish to pass on to you.

Your generation will have to decide what you want to become later in life. Do you want to slog all your life and become Doctor, Engineer, IAS etc. Or you’d like to take it easy, do nothing and hope to become deputy CM of the state some day with the help of your politically well connected father. The choice will be yours.

Love Mom and Dad


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