Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Donald Trump to put up pics of his hair across US border to prevent Muslims from entering the country

Washington: After unequivocally stating that Muslims must be banned from entering US, Republican Presidential front-runner Donald Trump is taking his ‘hair raising’ comments to another hairy level by stating that he will put up pics of his hair across US border to dissuade Muslims from entering US.

Donald Trump's latest antic to keep Muslims out of US

Donald Trump’s latest antic to keep Muslims out of US

Speaking to Faking News a Republican Party spokesperson said, “Let’s not be diplomatic here. We are talking about Internal security which is a very serious and important issue as far as American people are concerned. I know most people have at the back of their mind what Mr. Trump just said but they all want to be ‘politically correct’.”

“We are talking about banning entry of Muslims in US and we are planning to take some proactive steps. This is the only way to convince American people and tackle radical elements within the country at the same time,” he said.

When questioned about the nature of ‘proactive steps’ taken, the spokesperson opened a presentation and pointed towards a slide saying, “We’d like to restrict entry of Muslims at the US border itself and for this Mr. Trump has agreed to put up image of his hair across US border, like a billboard. Initially we thought of putting ‘Trump Quotes’ on billboards but Donald Trump rejected that idea stating that most Muslims were illiterate so the plan wouldn’t work.”

If sources are to be believed, Donald Trump’s latest move seems to be working as a few Muslims who spoke to us on condition of anonymity said that they were ‘blinded’ the moment they saw a huge hoarding with Donald Trump’s image on it. “I was planning to cross over to America when I saw this horrible hoarding at the border and I just blacked out,” said Azhar Al Mahmud, an immigrant.

Republican Party spokesperson was tight-lipped when questioned about collateral damage this move would have.

Meanwhile, Azam Khan has equated Donald Trump to Narendra Modi stating that they both had similar views when it came to hatred towards Muslims. “I don’t know why there is so much hatred towards one community. If he can ban Muslims, I am also banning him from entering India,” he said as he checked social media to see if he was trending.

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