Tuesday, January 5, 2016

With Pakistanis refusing to appear on NewsHour, Arnab asks Govt to increase tensions with another country

Mumbai: In a first of its kind incident,Editor-in-Chief of Times Now and superstar of the supershow, The Newshour, which broadcasts on Super Prime Time, Arnab Goswami made a request to someone instead of demanding it. After all the English speaking people in Pakistan turned down Arnab’s invitation to appear as a panelist on News Hour, Arnab has requested the Indian Government to increase tensions with some other country.

Arnab asking his Pakistani guest to stay

Arnab asking his Pakistani guest to stay

It has been a tried and trusted strategy of Arnab Goswami to invite some Pakistanis on NewsHour and blast them (verbally) for every incident on and around the Line Of Control. He got the viewership of all those people who were seeking some sort of revenge after every terror incident. But with no Pakistani agreeing to appear on his show, Arnab needs a new villain to keep his audience happy.

Speaking to Faking News on the condition of anonymity, a member of Times Now staff said, “We have had people walk out of the show several times and we are ok with it. In fact, we used to like it whenever someone walked out as it generated higher TRPs but now they are refusing to come on the show completely. The situation is really dire and we have run out of people from Pakistan to invite. Now either we start Times Now in Urdu or look elsewhere for topics and panelists.”

“We have requested the government to increase tensions with some other country as per their convenience. Mr Modi has done a survey of the entire world already so he will know better which country is best suited for a long, never-ending conflict. Obviously we will prefer it to be a neighbouring country so that we can have a debate on Akhand Bharat on a slow news day but we are not too fussy about it”, he said.

As per sources, Times Now is planning to keep wax statues of panelists from Pakistan till this request is processed. “Only Arnab and Maroof have to speak anyway, who will notice if others are real or wax statues”, confided a Times Now cameraman.

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