Sunday, January 24, 2016

Programmer stuck in debugging endless loop for 21 hours finally rescued

Hyderabad. Himesh, a senior ABAP programmer in Faltu IT Servies was finally rescued after being stuck in debugging an endless loop for over 21 hrs.

The incident happened yesterday at the company office where Himesh was debugging a newly deployed program in order to fix a critical Live issue.

Himesh reportedly started debugging at around 8:30 AM yesterday and continued debugging till 6 AM this morning. It was only around 1 AM today (or after midnight last night) his colleagues realized that Himesh was stuck in an endless loop.

“I came to work at 1 AM as I was working in US shifts, Himesh usually isn’t in office at that time of the day, rather night. Curious, I went up to his desk and asked if everything was alright. But he was not responding to any of my questions,” Honey, a colleague of Himesh told Faking News.

The keyboard of the system where Himesh was stuck

The keyboard of the system where Himesh was stuck

“First, I thought he was sleeping, but then I realized his eyes were open and looking constantly at his monitor where the code was running. His eyes were red and he looked pale as if he was looking at a ghost,” his colleague added.

After several unsuccessful attempts of bringing Himesh back to normal, his colleagues finally called army for help. They were reportedly inspired by the movie Airlift, which they had seen over the weekend.

Kailash Sharma, the army doctor who headed the rescue team that arrived in the office, explained Faking News about the rescue operation.

“Himesh’s index finger was glued to ‘F5′ button on keyboard; the button he was using all the time for debugging the program. Due to recurrent pressure, body sweat turned into glue after 21 hrs. We had to slightly peel the skin off so that his finger can be separated from keyboard,” Dr. Sharma revealed.

“Himesh is currently admitted to ICU, as his mental situation is not yet normal. He still believes he is inside the ‘DO WHILE’ loop. He is suffering with ‘Debuggiosis’, which is very common in IT people these days,” said Dr. Sharma.

Although Himesh received several sympathetic reactions from all his colleagues, his Project Manager Ram Reddy was seen particularly agitated at the whole incident.

“I am deeply saddened, depressed, dejected and disappointed over Himesh missing the SLA deadline to fix the critical Live issue. How can he just leave the work like that and sleep in ICU? This is definitely going to affect his appraisal!” yelled Mr. Reddy.

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