Saturday, June 6, 2015

Dustbin feels depressed after garbage thrown at him misses aim and lands at pavement

Bangalore. Commuters on MG Road were left dumbfounded on Monday evening when they spotted a dustbin entering their local psychiatrist’s clinic. “I’ve heard of cats reading maps and elephants on wheels. But dustbins entering clinics!? Now that’s a first,” said local resident M. Swachhin.

The psychiatrist in question Dr. Jhadugeshwar refused to reveal his client’s personal details (so we may never know which green dustbin it actually was) due to client confidentiality. He did however disclose the reason of visit to be ‘insecurity’.

“Mr. Dustbin walked into my clinic weeping copiously. For years he has stood strong, battling the raging temperatures of the city, hoping against hope that humans master their aiming skills while throwing stuff into it,” doctor told Faking News.

"Please use me" appealed Mr Dustbin.

“Please use me” appealed Mr Dustbin.

“He is fed up of the snide remarks he receives from his neighbouring Mr Pavement, which has now taken over from Mr Dustbin’s duty and gets most of the aimless garbage thrown at him,” he went on to reveal painful story of Dustbin.

“We humans brought him to life, gave him a purpose and then did the inevitable, ie: treated him like trash (only figuratively and not literallly)!” he added.

Sources claim Mr. Dustbin, who was in the pit of despair last week, even attempted suicide. He is now on strict medication and is planning on shifting careers in the near future.

As a result of this startling incident, Mr. Jhadugeshwar has started a group on social media called ‘AIM TO AIM’ which will hold physical training events and meditation camps to rectify human beings’ dreadful aiming skills. If you wish to be a part of this mission, feel free to drop in a message.

Meanwhile to console the emotional Dustbin, a commuter clarified that he was not throwing garbage at him to begin with.

“I am not that civil yet to even aim throwing garbage in a dustbin. I intended to throw that waste at pavement only to tell you the truth,” he said as he asked dustbin to chill.

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