Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A middle aged man digs out 44 carat diamond from his nose

New Delhi – Hard work and persistence always pays, this common saying came true for 45 year old Ram Pinokiar (name changed for the security of individual), when out of nowhere a 44 carat diamond fell down from the inside of his nose in his lap during his routine session of nose picking while travelling in bus to his office.

Mr. Pinokiar's wealth

Mr. Pinokiar’s wealth

For most of us, this is a modern day miracle, but not for Ram. “I have been picking my nose all my life, I have spent years perfecting this skill. I always had urges to dig deep into the unexplored caves of my nostril cavities. Didn’t know why, Not until today,” he said.

Meanwhile, a senior scientist of DeBeers Laboratory, Noida theorized the phenomenon. He said, “In his childhood there might be some coal piece that got into his nasal cavity and with years of pressure and heat generated due to intense nose picking it turned into a diamond.”

On asking what he is going to do with all the money he might make, Mr Pinokiar exclaimed with joy and said, “I am going to leave my job and will work as freelance nose picker.”

He also plans to get an extra-long prosthetic finger to pick nose while keeping his elbow straight. This life changing story might inspire a lot of avid nose pickers who are ‘just satisfied with the sensory pleasure’ to dig in deep and find the real treasure.

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