Saturday, October 10, 2015

Stephen Hawking now theorizes that black-holes also fall in love, get married and have kids

Oxford, UK: Veteran theoretical physicist and a super-expert on super-massive black holes Dr. Stephen Hawking has now theorized that black-holes also fall in love, get married and some of them have kids.

Stephen Hawking has now theorized that black-holes also fall in love, get married and some of them have kids

Stephen Hawking has now theorized that black-holes also fall in love, get married and some of them have kids

He has however not provided clear comments on if black-holes also enter live-in relationships or exhibit homosexual behavior. While this latest revelation has sent shockwaves throughout the scientific community many other theoretical physicists are actually emphasizing that Hawking’s words should not be taken at face-value but are metaphors which may actually have a deeper meaning.

Ramesh ‘James’ Ramdivan a physics professor at University of Montana explained Hawking’s theory in better terms. He said, “What Hawking said is actually metaphorical. Black-holes falling in love means two black-holes getting attracted to each other owing to immense gravitational pull. They getting married would mean that they stay together for billions of years. And the huge amount of gas, neutrons and neutrinos which they throw out into space during this time would be the ‘kids’ which they have. So it’s all a language of metaphors and analogies spoken by Dr. hawking, for which we just have to have our own interpretations.”

Dr. Jean Grey at Physics academy for ‘gifted’ kids, echoed similar views about this new theory. She said, “Dr. Hawking is such an advanced physicist and such a powerful expert on black holes that for him blackhole physics is no longer a science, but an art. And the words you hear now are poetic phrases created by an artist.”

While the actual true interpretation of Dr. Hawking’s new theory is still a ‘work-in-progress’ some electrical engineering experts have also expressed a concern that all this is happening because Dr. Hawking’s speech translator program may be malfunctioning and it is perhaps not interpreting the exact intent of Dr. Hawking’s words.

As a result of this malfunction some really weird predictions of black-hole behavior are being announced out by Dr Hawking which is sending wrong signals throughout the world of theoretical physics.

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