Friday, July 19, 2013

Omelet cooked on the benches warmed by IT employees

Bangalore. A cafeteria of a leading IT company has today created a new record of sorts by successfully cooking omelets on the benches warmed by their employees.

What started as a “Go Green” initiative undertaken by the company last year as a part of their corporate social responsibility, ended up with 2 delicious omelets prepared on the bench.

The decision to use benches to cook food was taken after several employees had to be admitted to ICU of a nearby hospital for developing severe burns on their butts by warming benches for ages.


Though delicious in taste, the Project Manager was not happy with the shape of the omelet.

“That’s when we realized that benches have become hot enough to cook food now. We used to wonder despite AC running 24/7 where was that heat emanating from. This incident opened our eyes and made us realize the actual source of heat,” said a proud employee who didn’t wish to be named.

The idea to use benches to cook stuff was of an employee who had been warming it for 5 years now: “I had been patiently waiting for my time for 5 years while an 8th pass boy in our cafeteria around me grew from being a waiter to cook to chef to the owner of a chain of cafeterias. That’s when I realized that there is better career growth as a cook than as fresher sitting on a bench waiting for a project.”

“Also, while you are on bench, or even otherwise, you are constantly consuming snacks, drinks etc. thus helping cafeteria’s business grow,” said Azim Murthy, the bench-warmer-turned-cook.

When the news reached the CEO of the company, this is what he had to say: “This is a brilliant innovation. Not only has he made us all proud but has also contributed tremendously to cost-cutting. I have always believed that restless mind breeds creativity. That’s precisely the reason why we hire freshers and make them warm benches till they become restless and invent something as innovative as this.”

“You’d be surprised to know that more than half of our housekeeping staff are engineers who failed to get a project. Doing what you have learnt is easy. Real challenge is to do something that you haven’t learnt,” the CEO proudly revealed.

The CEO finished the omelet and asked Azim to use the bench to prepare tea while giving this interview to Faking News.

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