Thursday, July 11, 2013

Google News blocks “Narendra Modi” articles, users asked to visit Google Plus

New Delhi. Google has killed many products, latest being Latitude, in order to drive traffic and user involvement to their so-called social networking product Google Plus, but none seems to have worked. But this is a step that might prove to be a game changer, at least in India.

The internet search giant has announced that it will stop showing any news item featuring keyword “Narendra Modi”, or simply “Modi”, in Google News listings. Such articles would instead be transferred on a special page created at Google Plus.

“People should add this page – tentatively being called Modi Surplus – to their circles and they should keep logging in to Google Plus to get latest news articles about Narendra Modi,” a social source at Google told Faking News.

Narendra Modi on Google Plus

Even on Google Plus, Narendra modi has over 6 lakhs connections, something even Google officials can’t believe.

Sources say that Google is confident that this move will create unprecedented buzz and traffic to Google Plus and will deliver huge blow to Twitter and Facebook.

“Just a mention of Narendra Modi creates a series of tweets and comments on Twitter and Facebook in India, and we are hopeful that we would see similar level of engagement on Google Plus,” Nikesh Arora, Senior Vice President at Google hoped.

“Furthermore, we realized that we have been sending huge traffic to news websites that get millions of page-views if they write anything about Modi. It won’t hurt us if we divert that traffic to Google Plus; the news websites will still get traffic, but through Google Plus,” Arora added.

Experts believe that the latest move by Google could finally work and infuse some life into Google Plus as it comes before the run up to the next general elections in India.

“News websites would be forced to advertise the special Narendra Modi news page at Google Plus, and rest of the job will be done by people who can’t stop themselves from commenting the moment they spot anything related to Modi,” an expert explained.

“If only this idea had struck them earlier, they would not have killed so many products,” claimed another expert missing Google Reader.

Unconfirmed sources say that Kapil Sibal too is happy with the development as he’d need to block just one page and get done with it.

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