Saturday, March 14, 2015

10 Wacky Answers the Nation came up with to the question #WhyArnobSoLoud

It’s a question that gets India’s imagination running faaar and wide. The answers of course can make you roll with laughter. #WhyArnobSoLoud recently took the world wide web by by storm. Here are some of them that India wanted you to know.

1.He wants even the remotest of villages in the nooks and crannies of India to know.

2. His wife loves hearing the loud drone of the Vacuum Cleaner but he wants to save electricity.

3. Silence of the Lambs is not his favorite movie.


13 is not enough. Nation wants to know the real reason.

4. He likes being one of a crowd and crowds are always loud.

5. He doesn’t have anything to hide, especially not his voice.

6. He believes in words speaking louder than actions

7. He always wanted to be a percussionist and this was the only way he could sound like one.

8. He wants to touch the whole of India with his Voice.

9. He is too bored to hold a microphone.

10. He wants to hear the sound of how awesome he is

11. He wants to match his vibes with the Martians

12. He trying hard to contact the Martians and get them to answer all his questions on his show first.

13. He is competing with the neighbours who are playing Music all night long.

So what do you think? In a few moments find out here on Twitter #whyArnobSoLoud

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