Sunday, December 21, 2014

Engineering student develops app that tells how much to study for desired results

Indore. How long before one should finally open the textbook and close the laptop has always been a dilemma for students cutting across campuses and courses.

Students have often struggled to solve crucial questions like “should I watch this last movie I had downloaded last night before I start studying today?” and “I think I can skip the last chapter and still get good grades thanks to relative grading” but now they can look forward to some help.

A third-year computer engineering student at local Babli Technological Institute has developed an application that can now tell students when to pick up and open the books, and how many hours to study before they can go back to downloading movies or checking out Facebook feeds.

“See, it’s all about planning,” explained Ramesh Kala, the student who developed the algorithm and app, “Everyone might not want to go to US for higher study or work in an investment bank, and so everyone doesn’t have to invest the same hours of study. You invest based on what returns you expect, isn’t it? My app asks people to choose returns i.e. how much CGPA they are targeting, what job they desire, etc. and then it tells them how much and when to study.”

One of the most basic features of the app is to calculate hours required to study based on the current grades or marks of a student.

“Yes, most of the times they are inversely related,” Ramesh revealed.


This is how the algorithm for the application was developed by Ramesh

But the app tells a student more than just that. Apart from your past academic grades, you have to sign in with your social media profiles and it tells you even the best time of the day when you should study.

It analyzes your tweets and Facebook posts and comes up with a solution. For example, if you have been compulsively posting messages about cricket or Bigg Boss, the app will work out a study schedule that doesn’t clash with cricket matches, TV programs, movie releases, favourite politician’s rallies, or possible time of selfie posted by girls in the social network.

“In over excitement and due to over confidence, many students plan to study at a time when they just can’t. They soon get distracted by these things and end up unprepared for exams. Now these problems will be things of past,” Ramesh claimed.

This app, also being branded as “academic investment planner” by Ramesh also predicts what future colleges a student may get in and the kind of salaries one may attract based on various inputs and data collected from various users.

The only thing it can’t predict is whether and when will one get a girlfriend or boyfriend.

“I study in an engineering college so I couldn’t get enough data,” Ramesh told Faking News when asked why his app doesn’t cover this aspect.

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