Patna: In a bizarre turn of events, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar accompanied by Lalu Yadav has reportedly sent back Arvind Kejriwal to Delhi citing his belief in Teen Tigada Kaam Bigada superstition that discourages three people from discussing anything important together.
Nitish’s epiphanic moment came as a major surprise to Arvind Kejriwal who had planned to campaign door-to-door but was forced to take his trademark U-turn back to Delhi.
“AAP unit of Bihar had made all preparations for Kejriwals arrival including screening of latest movie, but with his return back to Delhi we have cancelled our door to door campaign,” said a party worker.
Lalu Prasad Yadav’s RJD that recently coalesced with the incumbent CM’s JD(U) was found to be the prime reason of Kejriwal’s return to Delhi.
As per our sources, Lalu was hurriedly walking towards Nitish to check if he’s coming online this afternoon. As he was fast approaching the CM, the latter had his epiphanic moment where he realized the long-standing superstition of Teen Tigada Kaam Bigada.
Here’s what seems to have gone through his mind:
“What if Lalu jinxes my chances to continue being the CM? What if Manjhi takes advantage of my weakness of believing in superstitions? He could even link it to the temple cleaning incident. I better send this guy back to Delhi. Jugaad can be planned on phone too. Whom to choose? Fodder? U-Turn? Fodder? U-Turn? I think I should make a move.”
Intellectuals believe Nitish should have asked Yo Yo Honey Singh to accompany Kejriwal to Patna as his presence would have added up the number of important people to 4.
Some AAP workers suggested that Kejriwal get Ashutosh along to add up people and thereby avoiding any jinx.
Others said that Nitish should’ve asked ministry officials to escort Kejriwal directly to a nearby multiplex for avoiding Teen Tigada Kaam Bigada.
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